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11/11 Portal

The 11/11 Portal happens every year on the 11th November. Each year I tune into the energy that this day brings and see where I am guided to align my focus for myself personally as well as what the overall messaging is for the collective.

Two green lit pillar candles with a picture of human type forms connected at the heart and mouth. Below is a Tarot Card that says Wheel of Fortune. There is a Green Aventurine Crystal and a rounded card that says transformation and knowledge.
Heart Chakra Cards and Candles

The 11/11 Portal is not the only portal day of the year. In fact there are many days throughout the year that I consider to be 'portal days'. The literal meaning of the word portal is a doorway or gateway. So in a spiritual context what is a portal and what do I mean by the term portal day?

A portal is a gateway where we can access energy or information of a specific frequency.

A portal may be a specific place on land such as the Avebury megalithic site in Wiltshire or Glastonbury Tor. A portal can also be a non tangible and relate to a cosmic or multi-dimensional point in time and space.


What is a Portal Day?

I see Portal Days as points in time within our calendar, such as Equinoxes, Solstices and double numbers days such as 8/8 (Lionsgate) or 11/11. The point in time of a Portal Day converges with space (whether that be a specific place on Earth or the Earth in it's entirety) bringing through a higher frequency of energy and the potential for greater quotas of light to enter our planet and assist with the awakening of the collective and ascension of human consciousness.

For example, 8/8 (8th August) is known as Lionsgate. On this Portal Day I believe the planetary activations for the upcoming year are downloaded into people and planet. Each year the activation will be different, according to what the human collective are ready to receive and how much we have integrated from previous teachings over the years. Yet, just because we have received the activations on that date, it does not mean we are 'good to go'. We may find that from the period of the 8/8 Portal to the 11/11 Portal the energy is somewhat difficult to navigate at times. The portal days of 9/9 and 10/10 are often bringing us guidance on what we have to release or reconcile, as well as taking inventory of how far we have come over the past year.

As the 11/11 Portal arrives, we then have what I considered to be the 'switch on' of the activation we received on Lionsgate. Now the real work begins and we begin the 9 month gestation period before the next round of activations begin again the following year on the 8/8 Portal.

Yet we also have to take into account Winter Solstice which is a Portal Day that often brings through monumental Planetary DNA Activations. These need to integrate on an Earth level before they are spun out a few years later for collective Human DNA and Lightbody Activation. More to follow on this topic another day!

2024 11/11 Portal Message

Ok! So we have a basic understanding of Portal Days but what are we being guided to know and embody this 11/11 Portal? What exactly is being switched on?

We're being called to centre into our Heart Chakra and in the stillness, we allow ourselves to source disharmony, friction and misalignment that may be coming from one of our lower Earth based Chakras (Root, Sacral or Solar Plexus).

In our Root Chakra the guidance is to delve into the root of where and why we may have placed walls around our heart. Do we get defensive when confronted with our own patterns of unworthiness and how they play out in our day-to-day lives? Are these inherited patterns of behaviour or self-created due to trauma or varying circumstances? We are being asked can we allow ourselves to be still enough to hear the guidance coming through and have the strength to possibly uproot any patterns that do not serve our highest calling? In doing so and allowing the potential for a new foundation to take shape, we open ourselves up to enter a state of forgiveness that will be integral over the next 18 months and will pave the way for the embodiment of higher frequency states such as Gratitude, Abudance and Unconditional Love,

Our Sacral Chakra is guiding us to remember that if we place blame on that which is external to the self, then we will keep bypassing the opportunity to go within and create the deep transformation that occurs when we delve into our personal creative portal and life force energy. Relationships and how we connect with others are being called to the forefront here. Are we open to new experiences or are we blocking them because we are not in our truth and not accessing the full depth of our emotions? That even includes acknowledging the shadow aspects of ourselves including anger, disillusionment and so on. If we are not being honest with ourselves and our emotions, we are therefore not living our authentic truth. Emotional mastery of the Sacral Chakra is needed for us to be able to enter the higher emotional aspect of self which will unlock greater clarity and intuitive knowing with all of our connections to people, our spiritual guides and the Earth.

The Solar Plexus Chakra calls on us to identify where our personal will is in a misalignment with the Divine. Often we are holding on to a lack of trust and self-doubt in this Chakra that has us in continual cycles of indecision. This then prevents us from trusting our gut instincts and taking action when necessary. Are we focused on micromanaging what everyone else in our lives are doing and how does that distract us from ourselves, our needs, our healing and our spiritual development? Is this a cycle we need to break? Here's the thing, if we don't trust ourselves, then ultimately, we don't trust the calling of the Divine and we will hesitate to take the steps that are waiting for us on our soul path. There is so much beauty to be experienced when we surrender and place our unwavering faith and trust in the Divine.

Step forward, hold the vision and allow yourself to be truly transported to the Heart Portal.

Planetary DNA Activation of Forgiveness

On a macro level, the Planetary DNA Activation of Forgiveness begins to unfold from Winter Solstice and will be ongoing for the next 18 months. On a micro level, the personal healing work we do on our lower Chakras over the next 5-6 weeks will assist with us creating greater levels of self-awareness that will enable us to enter our Heart Chakra at a higher frequency than before.

Being able to hold a higher frequency assists us when big Earth Activations take place, as they enable us to hold higher quotas of light and navigate with more agility, the potential turmoil that can come up on a collective level when these planetary shifts and alignments occur.

Unlock Your Spiritual Journey with the 2025 Blueprint Mapping

Are you seeking clarity and guidance on your spiritual journey? The 2025 Blueprint Mapping is here to help you navigate your personal path to awakening.



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