The Crone and the Cosmic Womb
Slow down she calls.

The Maiden, so full of life and vitality does not feel the need to heed this calling. She very rarely takes note of the phase she is embodying and just lives life for what it is each day.
The Mother has no time to slow down. And even as she physically rests, the mind is going overtime, remembering the wash load that should have been done for the morning or the invite she forgot to respond to. Wondering how she will make ends meet or find the time to schedule the doctors appointment, the play date or answer that email. Always on the go yet too exhausted to even make the space for herself to mentally check in with how she is doing.
And then she is suddenly faced with a transition. That from Mother to Crone. If she surrenders to it, it brings about the most beautiful offering. A complete and thorough rebirth. An embodiment of all the things she wished she could do and aspired to be. This time with the knowledge, wisdom and confidence that comes with age and maturity. No need to pretend that she can fill the space like when she was the Maiden because she is now already there.
She can have it all. But she doesn't know what she wants. She hasn't made a decision that is solely for herself in such a long time.
If only she could remember. If only she allowed the slowness that the path of the Crone affords us all. If only she would accept the invitation to sit in the Space that the Cosmic Womb welcomes her to.
No need to rush. The Crone takes her time. She understands the beauty of space that the Cosmic Womb provides. The infinite potential and possibilities to create whatever is of her choosing.
She understands that this feminine nature is balanced with the Masculine strength of empowered decisions. Standing tall, firm and strong in a full bodied yes or no. Saying it with her chest and not settling for anything less than she deserves. Choices made with a recognition of how it will benefit her reservoir rather than pleasing those who keep drinking from her well.
And in this transition, she is learning what it truly means to let go. Understanding that she can't make everything perfect, secure and safe for her offspring if they are to venture the world and follow their own life path. But she can love, as she always has. She can offer pearls of wisdom to assist them when she is called on for guidance.
Her womb begins to make space for herself. No longer needing to be used for nurturing physical life, It can be used to access the portal of dreams to manifest the Truth of her Divinity.
We need more of her. More of she who steps willingly into the stillness. More of them who are willing to accept their Mastery. More of her who understands the need to be in balance with both Masculine and Feminine aspects of self in order to light the sacred flame of divinity within the Sacred Heart. Divine Union, within and without.
When the Crone accepts and welcomes in a state of slowness, she is able to enter the Cosmic Womb. She is at zero point. She is shown absolutely everything yet nothing at all. She becomes aware of all the possibilities of her infinite self. She is able to see that as she expands into her potential, the cosmos will show her that she is infinite. Ever expanding as she constantly evolves into her True Self.
The Truth of the Crone is that she is every element, every season manifest in every aspect of nature. And there is no time or pressure, no deadline for when and how she should perform and show up to the world.
Just her Truth, her Faith, her Wisdom, her Love and her Embodied Power knowing she can have it all or choose to have nothing, right now, never or whenever she decides.
Just know that when she steps out of the void space and chooses to move, nothing will ever be the same!
*Abundant thanks to Simone from The Most Sacred Journey for a delicious multi-dimensional womb healing that has assisted me with accepting this powerful transition that has guided me to write.