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1111 Portal Auraspray


Spring Water based spray with Essential Oils

  • Geranium
  • Ylang Ylang
  • Cedarwood
  • Charged with Green Aventurine Crystal


An auraspray created for the Heart Chakra to promote emotional healing along with understanding and dissolving of emotions that have created stagnancy in the lower Chakras (Root, Sacral or Solar Plexus) or have become trapped in the auric fields (physical, emotional and mental bodies) preventing reflection and release.


Green Aventurine assists with guiding us to open the heart to love and harmonious relationships, taking us on a journey of deeper understanding to 'know thyself', whilst balancing our inner masculine and feminine energies.


Geranium is a great essential oil to also work with in relation to balancing the masuline and feminine energies and beneficial for balancing the Chakra system.  It may help with regulating the nervous system, especially if there are emotions that come to the surface that can cause us to go to heavily in to fight, flight or freeze response. 


A common theme with these as well as Ylang Ylang is that they are all believed to help with dispelling anger and other negative emeotions. Often we can hold anger in, not recognising that anger is a cleansing force, that if processed and expressed maturely, creates space for us to really connect with our Heart Centre and experience emotions that invite us to love and deeper emobodied expression.


Cedarwood is quietly grounding whilst guided us to come into emotional mastery. Emotional mastery leads us to greater self-awareness that enables us to align with the possibilities that our infinite potential affords us to align with our highest good. Cedarwood reminds us of our sacredness and is also a beneficial eseential oil to work with for protection.



Spray daily in the morning for a minimum of 2 weeks. It's likely you will begin seeing / feeling shifts within the first 3-7 days.

After 2 weeks, use as and when required. Will also work to cleanse or protect the aura.


Not for use in pregnancy or the first 3 months postpartum or if you are breastfeeding.





1111 Portal Auraspray


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