Day 11: Crystal and Chakra Challenge
What word do you associate with the colour GREEN? How can you use this word to connect with your self and others on a deeper and more...
My Heart Chakra Crystal
#crystalandchakrachallenge Day 10: What is you Heart Chakra Crystal and why? How do you connect and work with its energy? MALACHITE ...
Day 10: Crystal and Chakra Challenge
What is you Heart Chakra Crystal and why? How do you connect and work with its energy? The Heart Chakra is located in the middle of our...
Day 9: Crystal and Chakra Challenge
Create your Solar Plexus Chakra affirmation / mantra. I do everything I can to melt all blocks that prevent me from stepping into my...
Day 8: Crystal and Chakra Challenge
What word do you associate with the colour YELLOW? How can you use this word to step into your power and manifest your goals...
My Crystal for the Solar Plexus Chakra
What is you Solar Plexus Chakra crystal and why? How do you connect and work with its energy? SUNSTONE The magical energy of the divine...
Day 7: Crystal and Chakra Challenge
What is your Solar Plexus Chakra crystal and why? How do you connect with its energy? Today we are shining our light an fb stepping in...
Day 6 - Crystal and Chakra Challenge
Create your Sacral Chakra affirmation / mantra. The verb I associate with the Sacral Chakra is to feel. Whilst writing your affirmation...
Day 5 - Crystal and Chakra Challenge
What word do you associate with the colour ORANGE? How can you use this word to connect with your creative and sexual energy and flow...
Day 4 - Crystal and Chakra Challenge
What is your Sacral Chakra crystal and why? How do you connect and work with its energy? ORCHIDEAN CALCITE This crystal is calling on...