Winter Solstice 2018
As the sun begins to set on this beautiful day of the Winter Solstice, I take a moment to be still. What messages does this day bring me?...
December - Clinozoisite
As we approach the end of the year the call to break free from anything that has bound you up to this point comes through stronger than...
I've been working on self-love for years now, yet it keeps coming up. I'm thinking to myself what more do I seriously have to do to fully...
New Moon in Scorpio
Crystal Grid Spirit Quartz Laboradite Carnelian Golden Healer Clear Quartz The theme that comes through this grid is... Are you the sting...
November - Fluorite
As the year begins to close in the call for cleansing grows deeper. The energy of Fluorite is the perfect crystal to assist us with this...
Crystal Tip
Use your senses to connect with your crystals. Every individual crystal will come with a different and unique message, especially for you....
Crystal Tip
The full moon will charge your crystals. It will amplify the energy of your crystals including any energy that has attached to your...
Monday Motivation
A Message from Holy Amethyst There are times when we need the solitude, to connect with our inner self. There are times when we need...
October - Tigers Eye
Our crystal of the month is Tiger's Eye which resonates with the Root and Solar Plexus Chakras. This month it is calling us in to check...
New Moon in Leo Reading
You know when your kids have Golden Time at school for being good, (I don't remember that shit from when I was young! 😂) well thats the...