Rose Quartz
This month our crystal of choice is Rose Quartz. It holds so many wonderful properties including having a big focus on self-love and...

Heart Chakra Healing
Healing of the Heart Chakra and the journey to self-love is often one of the hardest journeys we can take. In order to open ourselves up...

This Week's Bestseller - Rose Quartz
I'm a few days late with This Week's Bestseller which is now last week's bestseller!​ This week I have recorded a video with my thoughts...
Crystal Grid - Reclaiming Your Authentic Self
Crystal Grids send out a beautiful healing vibration as well as being a beneficial tool for mediation and setting intentions. I enjoy the...

The Sage Son meets... Francesca Love Artist
Last weekend while at the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Birmingham we were lucky to meet Francesca Love Artist. Francesca was busy...